Cubemen haked
Cubemen haked

cubemen haked

The freedom of creativity, and not being dependent on big publishers, let indie developers focus on risky features that are usually liked by fans and critics. This type of game is often praised for its originality and uniqueness. There are more of those examples in the field of the genre. Another example is Hyper Light Drifter by Heart Machine (2016), which pays a huge homage to classic Zelda (Nintendo) titles. For example, one of the more well-known games of today, Blasphemous by Game Kitchen (2019), is inspired by a cult-classic game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night by Konami (1997). More successful titles usually have something in common, and that is paying a tribute to old, classic video games.

cubemen haked

Paying a tribute to old cult classics.Indie games usually are sold through digital distribution, hence they don’t have publisher support to release retail copies. They are taking risks not often afforded in AAA games. Thanks to independence and freedom to develop, these types of games usually focus on innovation and experimentation. Take a look at the most common features of indie games: Get to know the genre, its best titles, and history.


Xbox indie games, PlayStation, and PC indie games – no matter what platform you choose to play on they are all waiting for your attention. There are indie titles of various types, such as indie horror games and other types for various platforms. Every year we witness new and unique titles that sometimes can even surpass big triple-A games in atmosphere and story departments. Indie video games became more popular about 10 years ago, and this genre is constantly evolving and growing. These titles aren’t published by big companies (hence they don’t have big financial and technical support) and they are usually made with a small budget. Indie or independent video games are titles that are created by smaller development teams.

Cubemen haked